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Privacy policy

Privacy policy and cookie management:

This privacy and cookie management policy was updated on February 1st, 2024.


We attach particular importance to respecting the privacy of users of our Site and to compliance with the legal provisions in force.

This privacy policy allows you to better understand the principles of personal data protection that we apply. We invite you to read it before submitting your personal data to us.

NEREIDES DISTRIBUTION whose head office is located at 3 rue Barbette, 75003 Paris, France is responsible for the processing of personal data for the site (hereinafter the “Site”).

This privacy policy may be updated by us at any time. The date of its most recent version will appear on this page. We invite you to refer to it regularly.

Please note that by using the Site, you authorize us to collect, record, organize, store, use and/or transfer personal data about you in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


We collect personal data from you when:

You visit our Site;
You create an account on our Site;
You make a purchase or reservation on our site or in one of our authorized points of sale;
You subscribe to our newsletters;
You join one of our loyalty programs;
You participate in special operations, in particular competitions, product tests, satisfaction surveys, polls or market studies;
You share content on social networks such as Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter using the hashtag #lesnereides or other hashtags that we offer;
You visit us in stores, corners and in certain approved points of sale in the Les Néréides selective distribution network;
You contact us, in particular when you call or make a request or complaint to our Customer Service, when you give your opinion on our products and/or services or when you communicate in real time with other visitors;
You have given your consent to third parties to transmit data about you to us.


We consider all information that allows you to be identified directly or indirectly to be “personal data”. We may mainly collect the following personal data:

Data relating to your identity, in particular your title, your last name, your first names, your postal address, your telephone numbers, your email address, your usernames and passwords, your date of birth or your age;
Data relating to the monitoring of our commercial relationship, in particular your order number, your Internet activity, the history of your purchases, your requests or your correspondence with our Customer Service, your preferences and interests or information relating to the one of our loyalty programs;
Data relating to your social network accounts (username, caption, location, etc.), uploads and posts when you download content or use the hashtag #lesnereides or other hashtags that we offer on certain social networks;
Content data (photographs, videos, reviews, comments, etc.);
Technical data, in particular your IP address or navigation information relating to your terminal;
Other data that you provide as part of a request for one of our services or that we may have obtained from external service providers.


We collect your personal data for all or some of the following main purposes:

Securing access to our Site;
Site administration and improvement of service quality. These processing operations are necessary for the purposes of the above-mentioned legitimate interest;
Management of your orders (orders, deliveries, invoices, after-sales service, etc.). These processing operations are necessary for the performance of a contract to which you are a party;
Social interaction. This processing is carried out subject to your consent;
Where applicable, prevention and detection of fraud, prevention, management and monitoring of unpaid debts, violations noted at points of sale and disputes. These processing operations are necessary for the purposes of the aforementioned legitimate interest;
Management of your requests (sample, advice, promotional operation, complaints, right of access, rectification, opposition, etc.). This processing is carried out subject to your consent or necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests mentioned above.


We never sell, rent or transfer your personal data to other companies for commercial prospecting purposes.

Les Néréides is an international infrastructure and subsidiary group present in many countries and whose head office is located in France. The personal data that we collect are intended for the company Les Néréides and may be communicated to all Group companies to the extent that this proves necessary and in particular to our subsidiaries located in the following countries: France , Japan, United Kingdom.

It may also be transmitted to service providers chosen for their expertise and reliability who act on our behalf and according to our instructions, in particular to provide you with services (processing and shipping of orders, secure payment, customer service management, fulfillment of technical maintenance and development operation, management of opinions on our products and services, content personalization, audience analyses, management of digital campaigns, etc.). We only allow these service providers to use your personal data to the extent necessary to perform services on our behalf or to comply with legal requirements and we strive to ensure that your personal data is protected at all times.

These third parties may come from countries that are or are not part of the European Economic Community (“EEC”), including countries that do not offer the same level of data protection as your country of residence. In such a case and to the extent required by applicable laws, we will:

Either to obtain your express and unequivocal consent to share your personal data with these third parties;
Or to conclude data transfer contracts complying at least with the standard contractual clauses adopted;
By the European Commission;
Either to ensure that these third parties are companies that have adhered to the EU-U.S. Privacy Shield and registered as such with the American administration.
Finally, we may also be required to transmit your personal data to local authorities, if this is required by law or as part of an investigation and in accordance with applicable regulations.


NEREIDES DISTRIBUTION implements appropriate technical and organizational measures, taking into account the nature of the data and the risks that their processing entails, to preserve the security and confidentiality of your personal data and, in particular, to prevent them from being distorted, damaged, or unauthorized third parties have access to it.

These measures may in particular include practices such as limited access to data by staff of departments authorized to access it due to their functions, contractual guarantees in the event of recourse to an external service provider, impact studies on life privacy, regular reviews of our privacy practices and policies and/or physical and/or logical security measures (secure access, authentication process, backup copies, antivirus software, firewall, etc. ).


A cookie is a simple text file that is issued to your computer when you visit a website and which stores and sometimes tracks information about your use of a website. Each cookie is unique to your browser. It will contain anonymous information such as a unique identifier, the name of a site and certain numbers. It allows a site to remember things like your preferences or the contents of your shopping cart.

Although they identify a user's computer, cookies do not directly identify users and passwords and credit card information are not stored in cookies. Cookies are not programs and therefore cannot contain viruses or other malware.

Most websites you visit will use cookies to improve your user experience by allowing that website to remember you, either for the duration of your visit (using a "session cookie") or for later visits (using a “persistent cookie”).

You have the choice to accept the cookies mentioned above via the cookies banner displayed on our Site.

To find out more about our cookie policy, we invite you to consult our Cookie Policy on the cookie banner displayed on our Site. Via this band, you can control the cookies displayed on the Site.

Additional information on deleting or controlling cookies is also available at, which includes additional useful information about cookies and how to block cookies using different types of browser or mobile device.

Please note that by deleting or restricting cookies or disabling future cookies, you may not be able to access certain areas or features of the Site.


You can choose to use the hashtags we offer to tag your content on social networks such as Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn, or Twitter. By using these hashtags, you acknowledge and consent that your content may appear on our Site and be used to link to our products or services.

We remind you that the information you make public on social networks may be consulted, used, and saved by other people around the world, and in particular in countries without legislation guaranteeing adequate protection of your personal information, as defined in your country of residence.

We also draw your attention to the fact that when you submit content using one of our hashtags, your use of social networks is exclusively governed by the general conditions of these social networks. We invite you to read it and refer to it regularly.

If you no longer want any of your content to appear on our Site, please remove it from the social network or stop using any of our hashtags.


We ensure that your personal data is kept for a period which does not exceed the time necessary for the purposes set out in this confidentiality policy or in accordance with what is provided for by applicable law.


Prospect/customer data is kept, unless you object or request deletion, for a period of three years from their collection or the last contact or the end of the commercial relationship. At the end of this three-year period, we may contact you again to find out if you wish to continue to receive commercial solicitations. In the absence of a positive and explicit response from you, the data concerning you will be deleted or archived in accordance with the provisions in force.
Banking data is collected by our payment provider.
Data relating to identity documents are kept for one year in the event of exercise of the right of access, rectification, limitation, deletion or portability and three years in the event of exercise of the right of opposition.
Data enabling proof of a right or contract to be established, or retained for compliance with a legal obligation, are archived in accordance with the provisions in force.
Information relating to the listening and recording of telephone conversations for the purposes of improving the quality of Customer Service is kept for the duration necessary for this purpose within a maximum limit of six months.
Financial data (payments, reimbursements) are kept for the period required by applicable accounting and tax laws.
Data relating to orders is kept for 5 years from the date of the order.
Invoices are kept for a period of 10 years.
Documents recording the conclusion of a contract relating to a good whose price exceeds 120 euros are kept for 10 years under the conditions of article L.213-1 of the Consumer Code.
You can request the deletion of this data at any time, except for data whose retention is required by accounting and tax law.


If you provide us with your email address, telephone number or postal address, you may receive periodic emails, calls or messages from us about our products, services, or upcoming events.

You can unsubscribe from our mailing lists at any time by contacting us at the address below or by following the “Unsubscribe” link contained in each of our emails.

You can also change your preferences in your account at any time. If you do not wish to be the subject of commercial prospecting by telephone, we remind you in application of article L. 121-34 of the Consumer Code that you can register free of charge on a list opposing telephone canvassing.

In accordance with applicable regulations, you have a right of access, rectification, deletion, and portability of information concerning you as well as a right of opposition and limitation of processing – except for data whose conservation is necessary with regard to accounting and tax rules.

You can withdraw your consent at any time in your customer area “My Account” section “Confidentiality” you will have the choice to modify the subscriptions and uses made with your data.

You can also formulate directives relating to the retention, erasure, and communication of your personal data after your death. To exercise these rights, you shall send us a request accompanied by a copy of your identity document including your signature:

By email by contacting Customer Service at the following email:
By post to the following address:
29 Rue des Petites Écuries
75010 Paris - France
By telephone at +33 1 80 50 51 11

We will inform you of the measures taken following your request as soon as possible and in any event within one month of receipt thereof. However, we reserve the right not to respond to requests that are manifestly unfounded or excessive.

We inform you that in the event of deletion of your data or limitation of their processing, we may no longer be able to fulfill our obligations towards you.

In accordance with the applicable regulations, you can also lodge a complaint with the competent supervisory authority responsible for data protection or seek legal recourse if your data is misused.

For any questions relating to this confidentiality policy, we invite you to contact our Legal Manager:

29 Rue des Petites Écuries
75010 Paris - France

We may occasionally modify this Privacy Policy. When necessary, we will inform you and/or seek your consent.